Document Translation Services
Intro to Document Translation
We get countless enquiries for document translations everyday from all over the world as well as Singapore. These are mainly through the internet. We take orders from most countries providing your files are in an electronic format. It means that we can take care of your Asian language (or popular European language) needs no matter where you are in the world.
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Documents We Translate
We mainly translate business-related material but we also work on a significant number of personal document translations too.
We translate everything from magazine articles, birth certificates, invoices, university degrees, business correspondence, books, letters, employee handbooks and more. We routinely work with rtf, doc, stw, txt, ott, pdf, xml, mcw, gif, jpeg and other major file types. If your files are not in their raw format, we do impose a small charge (please contact us beforehand) to convert them and it may take a while longer. We ask you to only send pdfs, jpegs, gifs and all uneditable file types in their original format where possible.
Lately we've been getting a flood of English to Chinese enquiries. Why? We honestly don't know. And it doesn't matter because it's we're always pleased to hear from you, even if it turns out to just be a simple question - we're genuinely willing to answer your language needs.
High Quality Translation
We couldn't possibly give you a high quality finished translation unless we laid down a few key rules. So that's what we've done.
Our network of professional translators are only assigned to translate into their mother tongue. Why does this matter you may ask? Well, a native Chinese translator who is fluent in English may be fairly capable of producing a good translation from Chinese to English. But good isn't good enough. He or she could easily miss some of the nuances when translating into English as it isn't the translator's mother tongue. The sublitities, shades of a language and tone can be easily lost if the speaker isn't native. Cultural norms, idoms, methaphors and other aspects also play their part in delivering the message successfully and clearly.
This even happens within languages themselves - take American English and British English. Language isn't simpy black and white. It's grey, or gray if you're from North America.
Professional Translators
We only select professional translators with the right credentials and who are active in the translation community. All of our translators have a minimum of 3 years experience, a recognised university degree as well as being IT proficient and our senior translators belong to accredited translation associations (such as ATA, ITI, ATLF, WATA etc). We also set every applicant a test before they join us. And we've worked it out that we turn away an average of 6 out of 10 applications.
Competitive Rates
Our document translation service is one of the least complex of our translation services and it's why it represents value for money. As we specialise in Asian inclusive language pairs (e.g. English to Chinese, Vietnamese to Indonesian, English to Korean), it means you will be getting a very focused service and a high quality finished translation compared to the generic offerings by our competitors. Aside from selecting the best translators, we pride ourselves on carrying out your translation with accuracy, professionalism and always at a competitive price.